Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

Today we will embark yet again on our annual tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree. People look at us strange when we utter such things but we've never been the practical type. Yes people, we're aware that real trees are messier but needles all over the living room and tracked up the stairs are beautiful because each one reminds us to enjoy this season of good tidings and joy. And that's all I'm gonna say about that (Insert Forrest Gump voice)

We're relatively new to the Island so we don't exactly know where to go to cut down said tree. In Calgary we always took the Hwy 20 express, past the Zorns house and on until we passed others coming from the opposite direction with smiles and trees strapped to their Toyota. I did some research last night and there are Christmas tree farms that let you cut down your own tree but they're ridiculously expensive even with promises of hot chocolate. So....I think we're just gonna wing it. One thing we do have a lot around here is mountain roads so I figure if we take our trusted 4x4 up one of these we'll eventually land upon our Charlie Brown and all will be well yet again.

Ethan is of age which means he'll get a chance to use our shockingly sharp saw. I haven't told him yet because we still have a church service to get through and his thoughts should be heavenward and not on cutting..stuff. Speaking of firsts, this will also be the first year we've had a truck to transport the thing. In past years we've used, believe it or not, our car - which of course meant poking branches on the kids and pine needles in the seats for months. All was forgiven though because Bing Crosby and Company would ring out and Mom's home-made hot chocolate warmed even the most pine filled heart.

Arriving home, Angie begins making up the endless supply of snacks that will frame the rest of the evening while I put the tree in its proper place and the kids begin to dress it with home-made decorations and glee. After the tree glows we all settle down for our traditional Christmas shows in this order - Small One, Pluto's Christmas Tree and my favorite Mickey's Christmas Carol. Once the kids are in bed we pull out the real snacks (shh)and drinks (shh shh) and party it up with our favorite Griswald family. "Seriously Clark?" aha ha.

And there you have it, our Christmas tree day. One of the most look forwarded to all year.


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