Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Shortcuts like McDonald's may seem like the best decision in the moment but almost always are fraught with disapointment (and diarrhea) afterwards. My own life has often been an exercise in one shortcut after another leading me further away from my intended destination. The times that my short cuts have seemed to "work" were because I had arrived but not at the place I intended. I could write a book (Close Cuts: Random House, 2012) on the shortcuts I have taken in my life and what I learned from them but for today I'll just leave it at acknowledgement along with this quote from The Dalai Lama:

"When we approach probelms with compassion, sincerity and good motivation our solututions will take longer but ultimately, they are better."

This principle should be applied to the hundreds of situations and scenarios both large and small that each of us experience and avoid each day. The point is, the quickest, easiest most pain free options we are all so fond of take longer, are more difficult and usually cause more pain than we can imagine.

Here's to long cuts, life change and healing our world. And here's to Team Canada taking the long cut to gold.... :)


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