Sunday, January 17, 2010

Agent of Hope

If you're like me, you've probably found the Haiti tragedy difficult to comprehend. So you haven't. You've distracted yourself with Facebook, listening to music, sports, sleep -anything really. With numbers of the dead closing in on 100,00 men, women and yes, children, I don't blame you. That's half of Regina. Dead. 10% of Calgary. Dead. 20 Duncans. Dead. It boggles the mind and breaks the heart. Especially THIS story. You may wonder what you can do, if anything? Giving money is probably the most popular and easy option - and for good reason, without it, relief, supplies etc. would not be available. If you have money, you need to give. Period. If you don't have money, and with an economic year like this last one it is highly likely, you need to get creative. One lady in our church stayed up all weekend and made 80 beautiful cards. She will use the money from the cards for relief and the sold cards will be used for encouragement. What skills do you have? Who do you know? What are you passionate about? What great ideas do you have? It's time we pulled ourselves out of the rubble and became agents of hope. In times like these, it's the only certain thing we possess.

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