Monday, November 16, 2009

Tongue tingling

A few weeks back I noticed a tingle in my tongue's tip. I ignored it thinking I had probably singed some taste buds or something. The tingle of my taste buds at the tip of my tongue continued so one night I googled "tingling tongue tip" and after weeding through some nudey sites I found what I was looking for. It seems the condition can arise if the tongue bearer is lacking Vitamin B12. Really? Re a a a llllly. Well, it seemed Vitamin B12 was good for other things too so I bought a bottle and started taking them... and wouldn't you know it the tingling has stopped. So... if you detect a tingle.....



Anonymous said...

Does that b12 come in a diamond-shaped blue pill? Just wondering, haha (joking)...just to be sure....

Anonymous said...

Only you, John Close, could come up with this. lol